Friday, December 25, 2015

8 Shows You Should Be Binge Watching

I know, I know - I haven't posted in almost 4 months (yikes!). This last semester was crazy busy, but now it's winter break and I have some time to write up a few posts.

So, I'm back home in SoCal for a few weeks. I spent the first few days hanging with friends, eating In'n'Out and Mexican food, and catching up with the fam, but now the boredom of break is starting to set in so it's time to turn to Netflix. As y'all should know, I'm a TV addict so I thought I might share some of my expert knowledge with you and make a list of some shows that you should be binge watching this break.

  1. The Mindy Project (Hulu) - Mindy Kaling stars in, directs, and writes this adorably witty sitcom. Mindy plays the role of an up-and-coming OBGYN looking to make her mark in the Big Apple. Mindy and the rest of the crew are hilarious and instantly lovable.
  2. The Newsroom (Amazon Prime/HBO) - If you're a fan of House of Cards, you'll be a fan of The Newsroom. This show gives you a behind the scenes look at the production of a nightly, controversial newscast. Will, the news shows' host, is stubborn and outspoken but proves to be a dynamic character. 
  3. The Man in the High Castle (Amazon Prime) - Here's another one for you Frank Underwood lovers. This is a fantastic Amazon Prime original that might just have one of the best pilots I have ever seen. The show is based on a book written in the 1960s that envisions what the world would be like if Nazi Germany won World War 2. It's brilliantly captivating and is what I am currently binge watching. 
  4. Psych (Netflix/USA) - If you haven't seen this classic yet then you have been missing out. Nothing is better than mixing a crime show with comedy. Basically, Shawn, a novice sleuth, works with the Santa Barbara Police Department as a psychic contractor. Him and Gus get into a bunch of shenanigans which makes for a pretty entertaining binge session.
  5. Criminal Minds (Netflix/CBS) - This is definitely my favorite show of all time. The Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI travels around the United States taking down serial killers with badass profiling skills which makes for just as cool of a show as it sounds. Also, it doesn't hurt that Reid and Morgan make for great eye candy ;)
  6. Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Hulu/Fox) - Here's another sitcom, this one starring Andy Samberg. Samberg plays Jake Peralta, an immature but talented NYPD officer who is a part of the lovable but awkward Nine-Nine crew. This show follows him and the other officers as they solve crime as well as through the ups and downs of their personal lives.
  7. Mr. Robot (USA) - This show is a bit strange but is extremely interesting. The show follows the life of a young computer programmer who suffers from mental illness as he encounters a mysterious hacking group led by the one and only - Mr Robot.
  8. Grey's Anatomy (Netflix/ABC) - This is definitely a guilty pleasure binge but I enjoyed it. I don't know if I really need to explain Grey's but basically it follows the lives of a group of medical interns as they learn the inter-workings of the hospital as well as learn more about themselves. All I can say is be ready for some DRAMA and lots of untimely deaths - Shonda Rhimes sure knows how to tug at your heart strings.
Let me know if you think there's anything missing from the list :) Merry Christmas and Happy Binge Watching!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Beauty Emergency?? This Make-Your-Own Kit Will Save You

If you're anything like me, you've been out-and-about running errands or hanging with friends only to have your afternoon basically ruined by a broken nail. You root around in your bag looking for a nail file only to remember that you never quite got around to adding one to your purse. Don't you wish you had a nice kit full of supplies to help you out when a beauty emergency pops up? Look no further because I have a come up with the perfect solution to save you in nearly any situation. My combination of products all fits in a tiny make-up bag which is perfect to move from purse to purse. I mean, you could buy one at Sephora for like $20, but my method allows you to tailor the bag just to your liking and use products you already have at home!

Sneak-Peek at my kit!!
  1. A Cute, Compact Bag (I'm currently using one from Ipsy).
  2. Nail File
  3. Chap-stick
  4. Band-Aids
  5. Floss
  6. A Small Lotion
  7. Perfume (Samples from Sephora work great!)
  8. Advil
  9. Tissues
  10. Bobby Pins and/or Hair Clips
  11. Hair Band
  12. A Couple of Dollars
  13. Emergency Feminine Products
  14. Phone Cord
Just throw these products into your make-up bag and you're ready to go! Do you think I'm missing anything? Let me know down below :)


Monday, July 27, 2015

What To Bring To College: Dorm Room Essentials

Everyone knows they need to bring bedding on college move-in day, but most tend not to think of things like curtains or a medicine box. Well, I'm here to save the day with a list of what many people might not think of but I deem essential. After living in a dorm for 9ish months, you could say I'm an expert. Some of the items on the list I could just simply not live without and others are extras that just make life a lot easier.
My freshman year dorm!
  1. Curtains The sun gets very bright in the mornings and when you don't have a class until the afternoon, you don't want to be woken up at the crack of dawn by the sun. 
  2. Microwave There will be days when you don't want to leave your dorm (like when it's 20 degrees and snowing) and you'll be very grateful for your microwave and that stash of ramen. 
  3. Twin XL Mattress Pad and/or Foam Pad Dorm beds are notoriously uncomfortable and a mattress pad will greatly improve your night's sleep.
  4. Fan Sometimes your dorm will be uncomfortably warm, especially if it's September and your building doesn't have AC. Also, I like being under all of my covers when I sleep which can get hot, so I have to have a fan pointed at my bed.
  5. Blankets Your dorm could also end up being uncomfortably cold at certain points, like when your heat breaks down in the middle of winter. A bonus of having blankets is that when you take a nap, you don't have to mess up your perfectly made bed - you can just use your blanket.
  6. Felt Hangers You can fit so much more clothing in your closet with these hangers (They're super thin!). They are absolute lifesavers. (Bonus: They're non-slip.)
  7. Lint Roller If you're using the dorm's washer and dryer there's a good chance you'll end up with someone else's lint on your clothes and using a lint roller will make you look a little bit more like an adult. In addition, it works great to roll hair out of your area rug that your vacuum cannot get.
  8. Area Rug On that note, an area rug is definitely worth the trouble. It makes your whole room look cozier and less dorm-like and is also a great place for visitors to sit.
  9. Stain Remover This is another necessity. You can't control when something leaks or spills onto your comforter or your favorite blouse and Shout (or similar) will be a lifesaver.
  10. Decorative Lights This is another thing that will make your dorm cozier. Dorm lights are harsh and unflattering and fairy lights will create an ambiance that makes your dorm look chic and hipster.
  11. Note Cards (and Stamps) Your family and friends will appreciate an update every now and again and everyone loves getting mail. Also, it's just a good habit to always have "Thank You" notes lying around.
  12. Printer Yes, your library will have a printer, but that library could be 10 minutes away in the pouring rain and cost you 10 cents per page that you could be putting towards your daily Starbucks instead. Having a printer in your room is just more convenient, especially when you're a Humanities major and have to print out and read about 700 pages a week. 
  13. Router Dorm Wi-Fi can be spotty and you want every advantage you can get when it comes to class registration day. Also, at my school, the only way you can print wirelessly is if you have a router. It's just something that comes in super handy.
  14. Air Freshener Most dorms don't allow you to burn candles so this is the next best thing. It's always great when someone walks into your room and says, "Wow! This smells great." I like the wall plug-in from Bath and Body Works - there's so many scents to choose from!
  15. Medicine Box You never know when you might get sick, have an allergy attack, or fall down the stairs, and having a medicine box ready-to-go is literally a lifesaver. (Yes, all of these things happened to me.) 
I hope this lists helps y'all with your dorm shopping and good luck with freshman year! Check back next week for another back-to-college post!


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

5 More Artists You Should Be Listening To Now

So, if you've been following my blog for awhile you know that I'm slightly obsessed with music. For those of you that are behind the times and are just now joining us here, I'm slightly obsessed with music. I have a radio show with WJHU Radio titled 410alt, I have more Spotify playlists than I can count, I am always on the lookout for cheap concerts, when my friends are looking for new music they come to me for suggestions, and I've already written a post on the topic (6 Artists You Should Be Listening To In 2015).

I made a prediction in January that this would be a great year for alt/indie music and I have to say that I was pretty accurate with that statement. Artists like Andrew McMahon and the Wilderness, George Ezra, and Walk the Moon are playing on mainstream pop stations and most radio listeners will recognize their songs. I've also come across a lot of new break-out bands and the music industry is growing more than ever. So, I say we get to know a few of these 2015 hits.
  1. Hunter Hunted This indie pop duo just released their first full album "Ready for You" and it's absolutely amazing. The songs are infectious and it's hard not to play this album on repeat.
    1. Songs to listen to: Operating and Keep Together
  2. Twenty One Pilots This dynamic duo is hard to fit into one musical category; their songs span from indie pop to synthpop to nearly hip hop. Their album "Blurryface" was realeased a couple months back and was far from disappointing. While this recent album may not be the most cohesive set of songs they've released, the duo's experimentation lead to some great hits supported by some pretty good B-sides.
    1. Songs to listen to: Tear In My Heart and The Judge
  3. Grizfolk This alternative group mixes roots from both Sweden and LA leading to distinctly unique melodies, brimming with subtle folk and electro influences. They released their first EP "From The Spark" back in 2014, but they just released a new single and there are whispers of a full-length album coming soon.
    1. Songs to listen to: Way Back When and Vagabonds
  4. New Politics Originally from Copenhagen, this alternative rock band is a veteran of the alt/indie scene producing hits since 2009. Their music has stayed true to their fusion of punk and electropop sounds throughout the years. The band's 3rd album "Vikings" is set to be released in mid-August.
    1. Songs to listen to: West End Kids and Everywhere I Go
  5. The Mowgli's This upbeat alternative band uses their music to promote their mission of spreading love and kindness to others. The music reflects their positive message and is full of fun lyrics and good dance beats and their most recent album "Kids In Love" is no different.
    1. Songs to listen to: I'm Good and Say It, Just Say It
Other honorable mentions include Nate Ruess (he's gone solo!), Walk the Moon, Panic! At The Disco, Smallpools, and The Royal Concept. Let me know if there are any artists that you think are missing from this list.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Just Californian Things: A SoCal Perspective

Living in Baltimore for the past year where I was surrounded by people from many different states, I have come to learn a few things that make Californians distinctly unique. While there are some things SoCal and NorCal inhabitants might have in common, us SoCal-ers would say that NorCal is basically a different state. That being said, this list focuses on a middle class SoCal perspective. I am by no way saying that this list will or should apply to everyone, but they are generalizations that I have seen proven true time and time again.
  1. We are snobbish about our Mexican food. If you're with a Californian long enough (I would say give it a day), you will hear them worship the burrito and constantly tell you that if you haven't had Mexican food in SoCal then you're missing out. No, Chipotle is not Mexican. No, TexMex is not Mexican. And no, not even Taco Bell is Mexican. Not to say that any of those aren't good, they just shouldn't be classified as Mexican food. Southern California Mexican food is in a league of its own, and we miss it everyday we're not in California.
  2. Rain is a big deal. For one, there's this major drought, and we need the rain to sustain to the state. For another, we're not used to this mysterious precipitation that falls from the sky and we will freak out if it starts raining. Some of my best childhood memories are of the couple of days a year it would rain and we would stop everything we were doing and go outside and stomp in the puddles. In addition to that, we also don't understand seasons, and things like falling leaves and snow are also a big deal.
  3. In'N'Out is basically better than anything. In'n'out is amazing and we Southern Californians basically worship it. You better not tell us that Five Guys or Shake Shack have better burgers and fries because you'd be wrong. 
  4. Watching car chases on TV is actually a thing. It's a family affair. When we get a Breaking News Alert about a car chase, we tune in. No matter how seemingly boring the chase gets, we stick with it to the end. It really is a great form of entertainment and can also help test your knowledge of SoCal roads and freeways.
  5. We have the most terrible traffic and you better not argue about that with us. The traffic is horrible. Going from Orange to LA should take you around 45 minutes, but throw in some good old traffic and you've got a 2 and a half hour drive. The traffic plagues every freeway and basically spans the hours from 6a-8p with maybe a lull around 2p for like a minute or two. This is one of the reasons Californians are such great drivers: traffic is a bitch to drive in.
  6. It's the 5 freeway or the 405. On the topic of freeways, you need to use the article "the" in front of any freeway name. You would say "I'm going to take the freeway" so it would make perfect sense that you would say "I'm going to take the 5." Saying "I'm going to take 5 to get there" is the same as saying "I'm going to take freeway." 
  7. Please don't ask me how many miles. Also on the topic of driving, a majority of us cannot feasibly comprehend distance given in miles. We know how many minutes it takes to get from here to there, but not miles. In addition to that, frankly most things are "about 20 minutes away."
  8. Don't condemn my excessive use of the word "like." It's just part of our vernacular - a part of the SoCal dialect and we like basically grew up saying the word "like." It's efficient and easy to use. And y'all should get on that.
  9. We have the best music scene. Period. The best bands started here. The best bands play here. We have the best small venues and the best large venues. Music in Cali is like nothing else.
  10. Some of us do call it Cali. It's efficient and sounds cute. Most of the people I've met around here have nothing against calling it Cali.
  11. Don't call it the OC. That just sounds weird. No one calls Orange County "The OC," it doesn't sound right and just shouldn't be said.
  12. We have the best produce. Produce on the East Coast (and probably the Midwest) just can't stand up to the produce here. Ours is fresher and just plain better.
  13. Small earthquakes just aren't that big of a deal. They are very common occurences and we're used to them. We like to brag to our East Coast friends about how many earthquakes we've survived.
Have you noticed anything else unique about your SoCal friends? Let me know in the comments below!


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Books on Books: The YA Edition

I love books. Reading is one of my favorite past-times. I've read a whole lot of books and feel that I'm pretty qualified to give some solid book suggestions, so the following are my top YA picks.

  1. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell I can't believe it took me almost 3 years to find this book. I read the entire book in one sitting and now I feel empty inside. I mean, don't get me wrong, the ending was perf, but now what am I supposed to do? Carry On doesn't come out until the fall! The book was a nerdy girl's dream. It shows us that there's hope out there for those who live vicariously through our favorite book series. After finishing this, though, I do really wish that there were more YA books out there that had a main character who was in college. Too many YA books are about middle school or high school and unfortunately, those days are slipping through my fingers.
  2. All the Bright Places by Jennifer Nevin I lost myself in this book and in Violet's adventure. I think it was a rather poignant comment on some of today's mental health problems among young adults. (It's going to be a movie - with Elle Fanning!!) *Warning: there will be tears.
  3. Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chobsky Need I say anything about this classic? Chobsky was greatly influenced by Fitzgerald and that influence can be seen throughout the pages of Perks. Also, Emma Watson is in the movie adaptation and I'm just going to say I think it is one of the most perfect pages-to-screen film I have seen.
  4. Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Leviathan Let's face it - I wish this was my life. I would be in absolute heaven. A) I love New York City B) I love bookstores C) I would love to have a spontaneous adventure with a mysterious boy and D) Dash sounds really cute. Their little adventure left me smiling for weeks.
  5. Partials by Dan Wells So. Good. This dystopian vision of the future is hauntingly beautiful. There are humans and partials living together in a very rundown country. There are wars, battles, cross country treks, and of course a love triangle.
  6. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight or This is What Happy Looks Like both by Jennifer E. Smith These are adorable, chick lit, feel-good reads. Need something to read on the beach or to take your mind off of a tough day? Then this author is your perfect choice. They definitely aren't life-changing books but they are indeed quite fun.
  7. Gallagher Girls Series by Ally Carter Yes, these are definitely young adult but they were my childhood. I mean, who wouldn't want to be the top student at a super secret spy training boarding school. My dream, spurred from many good reads, as a child was to attend a boarding school. That dream never panned out, but I could always live out that fantasy through this series. Not only were they about spies but the were actually pretty well written, so even if you're a tad older than your average YA reader I'm sure you'll enjoy them.
  8. Delirium, Matched, Divergent... Take your pick. I'm a sucker for a good dystopian novel and I think all of these are good. The Divergent Series is my favorite but to each their own. 
  9. Harry Potter because duh
  10. Also, anything by Dan Brown - I know he's not YA, but still. And I'm reading Digital Fortress right now so his books are on the brain.
Let me know in the comments what's at the top of your reading recommendations list!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

I Went to a Smallpools Concert

... and it was great fun. So, I know I haven't posted in forever. Please don't be mad. But now that summer's here (and I spent a week or two relaxing), I have an overwhelming amount of free time so get ready for a slew of posts.
Smallpools tickets!!!
I went to the Smallpools concert at The Observatory in Santa Ana for my birthday and I absolutely loved it! To start off, The Observatory is a great, intimate venue. Holly and I stood off the right side of the stage next to the speaker and were about 5 feet away from the band. It was standing room only and my legs were definitely sore by the end of the night, but it was still a great experience.

This is the first time that I've been to a show where I loved to opening acts as much as the main act. I actually didn't know either of the opening acts ahead of time (note to self: look up all bands ahead of time) but I was very pleasantly surprised. The warm-up acts were local bands Hunter Hunted and Grizfolk.
Me and Hunter Hunted lead vocals!
Hunter Hunted, an indie pop group, kicked off the show with a set list filled with fun, dance-y songs. I caught up with the lead singer, Michael Garner, after the show and he described his band as the ice cream flavor Rocky Road stating that it perfectly explains both their journey and their music. Their second album - "Ready for You" - will be released July 10th, and Garner's favorite song on the track is it's namesake.
Me with Grizfolk! (Adam Roth, Fredrik Eriksson, and the James Bay look-a-like)
Grizfolk, an alternative rock band with roots in LA and Sweden, followed. And they were fabulous. All of the band members were extremely interactive with the crowd and I even got the set list from the guitarist Fredrik Eriksson. After the show, I had a chance to ask them a quick question: What flavor of ice cream would you say describes your band? Adam Roth, the lead vocalist, decisively answered Chocolate-Chocolate Chip with a mix Swedish Licorice and a little bit of something sour thrown in. The bandmates unanimously decided that their favorite song from the set was "Vagabonds." My personal favorite is "Way Back When" but they sadly informed me that they only play the song at shows they headline - so it looks like I might just have to see them again. (Also, a quick sidenote, their drummer looks uncannily like James Bay.)
Time for the main act!

It was finally time for Smallpools - a relatively newly-formed indie pop group. They had an amazing, energetic entry and that energy carried through the full performance. Sean Scanlon, lead vocals, told a great many stories throughout the performance, letting his fans know more about the history of the band and the meanings behind the songs. Did you know that before the band got big, they used to google their band name? For the longest time they only found results linking to articles about not keeping killer whales in small pools, but they didn't let that stop them, they turned it into a song: "Killer Whales." It was interesting learning about their songs and I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for their next album.

Signing off for now!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Break In Review

Stepping off the plane in Baltimore was near torture. After spending a week in sunny SoCal, I was so not ready for near-freezing temperatures. I mean, it's Spring - why is it this cold? Haha, that's enough complaining for now. It was great to spend a week in Cali. I went to a concert, went shopping, hung out with my friends, and did some baking. It wasn't a very productive break and it wasn't your typical college spring break, but at least it was fun and relaxing. 

To start off the break, I went to a Bleachers concert with Holly (and my parents). It was so much fun; we are definitely #Bleachercreatures. The Night Terrors of 1927 and Joywave were the opening acts. Night Terrors was alright, but you should stop reading this for a quick second and go listen to Joywave. We are definitely Joywave converts. Though, I do think that they might be better live than they are on their recordings. I mean, the lead singer is a total geek and they were wearing matching shoes - it was great. And obviously, the Bleachers were great. It was my third time seeing them, and I finally got to touch Jack Antanoff!

The lead singer of Joywave!!
Let's see. On Tuesday, Holly and I went to Old Towne Orange (cute, hipster-y neighborhood) to grab lunch. We had pretty good burgers and then followed that up with cupcakes from the Perfect Circle Cupcakery. Gotta love cupcakes :)

The Princess Vanilla cupcake :)
On Wednesday and Thursday, I mainly just relaxed. I babysat for a family I've known for awhile and baked some slutty brownies. They were so good - you should look up the recipe. On Friday, Holly and I grabbed lunch at Bruxie's in Old Towne Orange. I mean, who doesn't love waffles? After that my mom and I went shopping and got some great deals at Kohls - so many sales! (I forgot to mention, we also went to the mall on Monday for some spring shopping.) And then, on Saturday, I did a photo shoot with Holly and my friends Melynda and Michelle. Unfortunately it was then time to hop on a plane back to Baltimore.

The things I miss most about home (besides the people) are Rubio's, bratwurst, my bed, and my car so hopefully my week long fix of those things will carry me through finals. Only 6 more weeks of freshman year!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Your Cheat Sheet for Success in College

I'm running short on ideas in the 'blog post topic' department and I don't have a good enough camera to share OOTDs, so I'll stick with what I know and share some of my organization and study tips for college. I don't know about you guys, but some weeks I'm really on top of things and other weeks I'm an unorganized mess; however, recently I've been trying to get in the habit of keeping things organized. So, without further ado, here's my hodge-podge of tips:
  1. Keep a planner. You're going to get a lot of syllabi thrown at you the first week of classes. They will become your bibles. This isn't high school; the professor is not going to remind you of test or essay dates. That's something that you need to keep track of yourself, and the best way to do that is input all of your important dates into a planner or calendar. Personally, I love Google Calendar.
  2. Make to-do lists. I live my life according to lists. I make lists for the week, for the day, for the summer. There's just something so satisfying about crossing things off a list. It also allows you to visualize how much work you actually have to do which helps with time management.
  3. Study in the library. It may be a long walk from your dorm, but the trek is worth it. I know this is a novel concept, but the library is actually a great place to study ;). I can't do silence so I go to the group study level and just plug in my headphones. It's a lot easier to be productive in that environment than in your dorm room filled with distractions.
  4. Make study guides. I actually just started doing this for my midterms this week, and they were my saviors. I don't know why I had never made a study guide for myself before, but it is the best way to reinforce what you previously learned in an organized, compact manner. Make sure to color-code!
  5. Use folders (or binders - whatever floats your boat) for each class. You might end up with a lot of folders but it will be a lot easier to keep track of everything. Also, then you don't have to take all of your class work with you when you only have one class on Thursday.
  6. Keep all your supplies in a pencil case. This is a hard habit to get into, but I was tired of always losing my pens. It's just easier to keep everything together in a pencil case (bonus points if it's cute). I would recommend having a few pens and pencils, a few highlighters, sticky notes, binder clips, and white-out. 
  7. Pack your backpack the night before class. You won't forget things as you are hurrying out the door and you'll be able to get a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning. Enough said.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Carry-On Essentials for a Comfortable Flight

It's almost time for Spring Break, and I'm super excited because I'm heading home for the week! Goodbye dreary weather and winter coats and hello sunny weather and shorts! I'm not the biggest fan of warm weather, but a sampling of it will be a nice break from the below freezing weather here in Baltimore.

I've traveled a lot throughout my life as most of my family lives in Wisconsin or on the East Coast. Every single flight that I've been on, I've over-packed my carry-on. To be honest, I rarely do anything other than sleep on a plane and it's silly to have a bag full of games and work that I know I'm not going to use. I mean, who wants to be lugging a heavy bag around the airport when they don't have to? So, now that I've mastered flying (haha!), I've come up with a list of the carry-on essentials that I will definitely be packing for my trip next week.

  1. Headphones: This is my holy grail item. It's the perfect thing to help tune out the crying baby or the snoring man next to you.
  2. Snacks: My flights tend to be about 5 hours, so I'll pack some candy as well as some almonds. Also, if you know you're going to be flying during a meal, packing some fruit or a sandwich can save you some money at the airport.
  3. Gum: Not only does this freshen your breath, but it will also help when the plane changes altitudes. I hate it when my ears pop.
  4. Dramamine: Why take a chance with motion sickness?
  5. Headache medicine: You never know what the flight will bring you.
  6. Portable charger: While you should charge your phone prior to the flight, you'll want to make sure you can keep your music and entertainment going the whole flight.
  7. Lotion: This is a huge must. Airplane air is very drying and you'll regret not bringing some lotion along.
  8. Lip balm: See #7.
  9. Book: This will help pass the time before and during your flight (and if you're not a book person, magazines work just as well). I'm going to be bringing Mindy Kaling's new book with me (it's hilarious so far!).
  10. Rollerball perfume: You'll want to smell nice and fresh after a long flight.
  11. Makeup: It's always good to touch up when you land, but this also depends on your flight time. Like I'm landing around midnight so it wouldn't make sense for me to pack make-up.
  12. Sweater: Planes can be really cold and a sweater is always nice to cuddle up with.
  13. Pillow: For me, this is a tiny pillow pet because it's portable and cute, but really, any pillow will work.
Comment down below with anything that's a must-have for your carry-on :)

Bon voyage and safe travels!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

10 Things I Learned during the First 6 Months of College

So, obviously I'm no expert at this whole college thing yet, but I thought it might be good to share some of things I learned over the course of my first semester with all of you guys. College has been a great experience thus far, and I'm really looking forward to the next three years.

Some memories from first semester: first radio show, first snowfall, and the necessary Gilman fall shot.
  1. Going to class matters, but so does missing class if you happen to get mono. Email your professor, they will understand. If you don't take a break, the illness will drag on for months.
  2. Cold weather sucks. Especially when your school refuses to give you snow days. When it gets cold, dressing cute no longer matters - you'll regret not bundling up.
  3. Going to office hours, participating during lecture, and sitting in the front row will help you get on the good side of your professor. In turn, your prof or TA will tend to be more lenient on grading and more likely to raise your grade at the end of the semester.
  4. Keeping food in your dorm room at all times is a must. When you're working on that assignment at midnight, you'll be thankful that you have some candy to keep you going. Basically, learn to savor care packages and subtly hint to your parents and other loved ones that you will love them forever if they send you packages, esp. a food related package.
  5. Having an actual, reasonable bedtime will keep you from succumbing to exhaustion. Yes, it's fun to stay up until 4 am with friends every once in a while but your work and your sunny personality will start to be effected if that becomes a daily occurrence. 
  6. Sometimes you won't get that A you wanted on that paper, but it's not the end of the world (even if it was 50% of your grade). Don't beat yourself up over it. There are some classes that will get the better of you, but they do not define you.
  7. It's OK to change your major but have a plan to back it up. You don't want to go through the next four years (and then maybe the rest of your life) doing something that you realize you don't like. College is a time for discovery and there are so many other majors out there. And yes, your parents might freak out about it, but as long as you have a plan, you can intelligently defend your choices.
  8. It's OK to sit in your room by yourself on a Friday night and read or watch TV or clean or do whatever your heart desires. Not going out on a Friday night does not make you 'un-cool' and every once in a while you just need to take some time for yourself for the sake of your sanity.
  9. Though, getting involved in clubs your first semester will save you from spending all of your free time alone in your room. Joining clubs is a great way for meeting new people, discovering new passions, and of course, bolstering your resume.
  10. You'll be surprised how quickly frivolous spending (i.e., on food) can run down your bank account. Try to write up a budget and stick to it or think about applying for a part-time job on-campus.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Day in the Life of a College Freshman

So, here's my average Monday during the Spring semester. I have a lot less free time than I did last semester, but so far it's been working out well.

9:10 am -  Wake up to my alarm. I was feeling proactive last night and decided to get up a couple hours earlier than I had to. Apparently that was not in the cards because I went back to bed.

10:10 am - Actually wake up. My morning routine is pretty simple - brush teeth, wash face, make bed, get dressed, fix my hair, and if time, do my makeup.

11:00 am - Time for my Intro to Social Psych class. It's a 450 person lecture and I prefer smaller class sizes, but at least it's an interesting topic.

12:00 pm - Time for my Intro to Business class. I'm really liking this class so far - the readings are really interesting and the professor is rather engaging.

1:00 pm - Head to Levering for a quick lunch - normally a slice of pizza, a bag of chips, and water. Today I ran into one of my friends and ate with them, but normally I sit by myself and listen to Spotify while getting a head start on my readings for the week. (Tip: Go through your syllabus on Sunday and print out all the readings you need for the week so you can read them whenever you have time to spare.)

1:30 pm - Time for Stats. So far the class is really easy, though it is rather boring. Unfortunately, it's a requirment for my major and for both of my minors, so there is no getting out of it.

2:30 pm - Off to work I go. I finally got a part-time job at school. I'm working as an office assistant and a courier, but at least it's income. Today, I went on a courier run to Keswick and Eastern and might have gotten on the wrong shuttle at first, but it all worked out in the end.

4:30 pm - Grabbed dinner in the FFC (the freshman cafe) and was unimpressed. I had a slice of burnt pizza and some canned oranges. After this, I stopped by the mailroom and picked up a package from my friend Holly :)

5:30 pm - Went back to my dorm room for a quick second and read a chapter in my marketing textbook.

6:00 pm - I attended a Continuous Open Bidding event for Kappa Alpha Theta. I started going through formal sorority recruitment but dropped out and I've been regretting it, so I thought I would check out Theta's informal recruitment events this week. I had a lot of fun and ate a lot of candy.

8:00 pm - I'm finally back in the dorm for the night. So what do I do? I watch 4 episodes of Stalker. My brother recommended it, and I'm hooked. I'm actually fully caught up now and can't wait for the new episode on Wed.

11:00 pm - So, I definitely watched way too much TV tonight, but oh well - I don't have that much homework this week. I ended the night by labouriously reading Fooled by Randomness - a book for my Intro to Business class about how everything we do may be based on theoretical and statistical luck... I'm not quite sure what I just read.

12:30 am - Time to get ready for bed. I have a pretty simple night routine: brush teeth, wash face, pack my backpack for the next day, and pick out my outfit.

1:00 am - Time for bed! (Per my resolutions, I've been sticking to my 1 am bedtime.)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

6 Artists You Should Be Listening To In 2015

I wish I had a constant soundtrack magically narrating my life. But alas, something like that doesn't just happen. So, instead, I spend countless hours seeking out new music and artists to create the perfect playlists. I like to think that I have a rather decent taste in music (I mean, I do I have a radio show - 410alt - with WJHU campus radio), so I'd like to share my musical insights with the masses - expose you lovely readers to music you might not hear otherwise. In return, be sure to comment below with the artists you are looking forward to hearing in 2015.

I am a lover of alternative and indie pop music and I think this is going to be a fantastic year for these genres. Not only do well-known bands (cough, Imagine Dragons) have upcoming release dates for long awaited albums, but new bands breaking into the scene are also quickly gaining popularity. I'm looking forward to seeing what exposure 2015 brings to many of these bands with mainly cult followings.

Can you tell that I'm really excited for the new album?

And now, for the artists:
  • Imagine Dragons - Their 1st album was great, but Smoke + Mirrors will be even better. The band has spent the past two years evolving their sound and has produced something with great, raw emotion.
  • Bleachers - This band, started by Jack Antonoff from the band fun., unexpectedly appeared on the scene March of last year and now they have multiple hits. I've seen them live twice already and intend to see them again in March.
  • The Griswolds - This indie-rock band from Australia released their first album last August and I just love their vibe.
  • Walk The Moon - They are touring with The Griswolds and I'm near devastated that I won't be in town for their tour dates. Their newest album, TALKING IS HARD, is packed with pop-rock anthems full of emotion.
  • Sheppard - It looks like the Aussies are big indie fans because here's another great Australian indie pop band. This band of siblings is influenced by Coldplay and was really formed by accident.
  • Years & Years - This is a recent find of mine that is more along the lines of synthpop but the lead singer, Olly, has a beautiful voice that is definitely worth a listen.
And a few other honorable mentions include Fall Out Boy, New Politics, George the Poet, James Bay, and Smallpools. Hope you're able to expand your musical horizons this year, and don't forget to leave your own suggestions below!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hello! Bonjour! Welcome!

Hello my lovely readers. My name is Marisa. Now, stop reading for a brief second and introduce yourself in the Comments Section. It's nice to meet you! Before I get in to the real content of my blog, I thought it would be a good idea to write a quick introductory entry. So, let's begin.

Throwback to my Senior Photos - Yes, I am a Potterhead.

  • My favorite things in life are chocolate chip pancakes, berry lipsticks, my sock collection, alt/indie music, dystopian novels, baking, and watching TV.
  • I grew up in sunny Southern California, and moved across country for school. 
  • I don't know what I want to do with my life so I am majoring in Psychology. 
  • I am an avid YouTube watcher. My favorite YouTubers are Zoella, Essiebutton, MissMikaylaG, Meghan Rienks, and Gabriella Lindley.

After watching many, many videos, I finally got up the courage to start a blog of my own. I think most of my posts will be music, fashion, and book related.

I am excited to see where this journey leads and I hope y'all come along for the ride.